Chapter 18 - Graduation Day (Part I)

It was the last day of school, and the day that Year 6 students would graduate. They would be leaving this primary school days behind and enter secondary school the following year, entering the first step into adulthood.

There were many students crying silently at the side, watching one particular group of strikingly handsome and beautiful people gathered together. There were five of them, four boys and one girl. It wasn’t that all five of them were perfect specimens of human beings; in fact, if one was to scrutinize their faces properly, a couple could actually be described as average looking.

It’s just that .. there was something about them. Be it individually, or when they were together (though they felt the impact far more when they were all together). It was the way they carried themselves. Their overall demeanor, or aura, that set them apart from everyone else. From the way they walked, to the way they talked … there was just something.

The kids were too young to recognize that what the group had was charisma. It was innate, and so ingrained within themselves that it just captivated people. As if they were hypnotized. Then again, even if the kids knew what it was, it wasn’t like they could resist it. If this was the entertainment circle, that aura / charisma would have been noted as the elusive “X-Factor” that would transform a normal singer, into a diva / idol.

The group that they were staring at intensely were their seniors, and this is their last year. No longer would they be able to sneak glances at them as they walked by their classes. No longer can they watch the boys as they played football and basketball. No longer can they brag and hold their heads up high when people found out they were from Retsu Primary School, THE school that had THAT group. Well, they okay, so they could still brag about it but after this … it would be as Retsu’s history, rather than the present. No longer can they be smug over the fact that they could see them everyday!

Their eyes settled on each person in the group.

Xing Han: the clown of the group. His dark hair sported the buzz cut, though it had more hair on the top than the normal military style. His round and fair face always had on his signature smile, though most of the time those thin lips would be moving rapidly as he never seems to stop talking. He wasn’t fat, but he wasn’t slim either. He had the sort of body shape that you feel like hugging for comfort. There was a slight shadow of a mustache over his lips, which just seem to add on to this image of a smart yet doting brother. He was what you’d call “cute and adorable”.

Sam, the youngest of the group. Due to his high intelligence, he was allowed to enter school a year early. His had rimless glasses, which didn’t quite hide the sharp hazel eyes behind it. His light brown hair was curly, and it looked like instant noodles before it is cooked. Tall and lanky, his pants would normally be slightly shorter and show a bit of his ankle, while his signature pen would be stuffed at the back of his pants pocket, its shape barely seen through the jacket. Yet, despite him acting and dressing up like a nerd … visually … he wasn’t the typical nerd. He was the rare kind: a hot nerd.

Muhammad Ali, or Ali, the exchange student from Country SA. Olive skinned and dark wavy hair that reached just above the collar his dark eyes seemed to be lazy and unconcerned. He was quite laid back, and was the sporty type, with his body starting to show some form of muscle even at that young age. There was also an air of nobility from him, though it wasn’t as pronounced as one other person. He was, in short, the cool one.

The Alpha Male. The undisputed leader of the group. The one that made all the girls just sigh whenever he passed by, some even almost fainting should he look at them and some even cried silent tears if he smiled at them. He seemed to embody all that the girls envision, and more.

With his silky dark hair framing the perfectly sculptured face that was accentuated even further with that sharp jawline … those intense blue eyes which seemed to be the colour of the deepest blue ocean one could drown in, peeking through thick lashes … those full, cherry red lips that was always ready with a smile … that deep dimple that appeared on the right cheek whenever he did …

The girls sighed again when they saw him laughing with the group, transforming that already breath taking face into something .. er, well, more breathtaking. They took out their handkerchief and started to wipe the tears that were forming in their eyes.

After this ceremony, they wouldn’t be able to see this anymore. The thought was heart breaking. All eyes were focused on his graduation jacket, and those shining, silver buttons. It was tradition that the graduating seniors would give away their silver buttons to the juniors closest to them, but there were only 6 buttons in total … and there were hundreds of students aiming for it.

“Kyle,” Ali said, putting a hand around his shoulder, “Are you sure you’re going to survive this?” he asked, indicating with a flick of his head at all those people that were staring intensely at them.

Kyle shrugged his shoulders and replied, “I have all of you as my meat shields. What could go wrong?”

“Urgh,” all three groaned.

Kay smacked Kyle on the arm, admonishing him, “Behave, dear brother. They’re always having to cover for you all these years, and this IS our final day here. Let our juniors have some sort of memory.”

“KAAAAAYYYYYY!!” shouted all three as turned towards her, “You’re the only one who understands us!!” shouted Xing Han dramatically, followed by Ali, who put his hand over his heart, saying “Our angel!!”. Sam nodded, pushing his glasses up his nose while declaring, “Saviour!!”

Upon hearing a growl coming from behind them, Xing Han quickly ran behind Kay and peeked from above her head, pointing a finger at Kyle, “Protect us from that evil doer of handsomeness!!”

Kay laughed, the sound lifting everyone’s spirit as they watched their angel approach her brother. Her steps were graceful, and fluid, like she was gliding on air. It was mesmerizing to watch.

As expected, Kay blossomed as she grew up. Both Kay and Kyle had hit puberty relatively early at 11 years old. Although that age was something that was increasingly becoming more common now in other countries, it was still considered early in their own.

Thus, most of the kids found it fascinating when Kyle’s voice broke, occasionally sounding high pitched before it finally settled down to the current level. He lost the baby fat on his face, transforming the handsome, sharp jawlined cherubic face to the sharp, sculptured vision right now. He began to develop more muscles, and though not pronounced, it was still visible each time he carried something.

As for Kay, she found it more uncomfortable to have to go through the dreaded ‘Auntie’ every month, and having to wear a bra. As her chest started growing, she noticed the looks the boys gave her were more … intense than usual. Luckily, she had at least one of her four guys around her most of the time, effectively deterring any random boy from approaching her. Her delicate beauty seemed to mature into of a more ethereal nature.

The scariest thing? They were still growing, which meant that their looks would only be getting better. Just the thought even made the teachers nearby sweat. Just thinking of them entering secondary school, with rampaging hormonal boys and easily distracted girls … it was like throwing meat into a den of hungry lions. They were SO glad that they were primary school teachers!

“Come on, big brother,” Kay said sweetly, “It’s not like you’re going to need the uniform anymore after this.”

Kyle flinched, “You’re not seriously suggesting I let myself be mobbed and molested by girls trying to get my buttons, do you?!”

“Nah,” replied Kay, “Just throw the jacket to one side and run in the other direction.”

“You know, that’s not a bad suggestion,” Kyle said, smiling.

Especially since he could outrun anyone … and hide if he needed to. Master Shifu’s training and lessons the past six years had honed his skills to a level that he never thought possible. Well, he dreamed of it but didn’t think it was possible.

“Come on, it’s time,” said Kay. “Shall we?” she asked the group.

They stopped for a while, looking around them with a soft look in their eyes. The past six years had truly been fantastic. This was where they grew up, made lifelong friends … and a few enemies … basically, precious memories. Smiling wistfully, they smiled and nodded.

They then walked towards the Assembly Hall for the last time.

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