Chapter 30 - New Couple?

Sam, Sarah and Kay were walking leisurely to the booths, and saw the commotion that the other three were making.

“Is it always like that, wherever Kyle goes?” Sarah asked in awe, her eyes blinking rapidly.

“Yeah,” answered Sam, “He’s like a walking disaster.”

“Poor Kyle,” Sarah sighed, “It must be so hard for him. Even though he looks unaffected, it can’t be easy living like that. It’s as if his life is in a fishbowl, always under scrutiny.”

Kay turned to face her in surprise at her sense of observation and empathy. Sarah didn’t see it, however, as she was busy looking at Kyle with a worried look on her face.

This was the first time Kay heard someone actually trying to understand Kyle, and to view things from his point of view. People tend to think that Kyle was the type of person that thrived on the attention that was thrown upon him. Actually, it was no surprise people would think that as Kyle would sometimes act to instigate it even more. However, it was just that. An act.

Kay had actually asked him about it before. She was already feeling the pressure of all the gazes upon her by the boys, but most of the time, they kept their distance. They were either too scared, or too polite to do anything untoward. Perhaps it was because she was a girl, and viewed as a delicate flower.

It wasn’t the same for Kyle, as he was a guy.

It was as if the ‘protection’ she enjoyed, was not afforded to Kyle. Also, girls somehow tended to be more vocal and quite forward in their attempts to grab his attention. Only the shy ones kept their distance, but most were bold about it. Kyle couldn’t be rough or harsh with them because … they were girls. The double standards weren’t helpful to him in this instance.

Kay thought about the time she had asked him that same question Sarah raised.

They had been lying on their backs in the backyard at night. They were looking at the stars in the sky, twinkling brightly among the dark backdrop. It was serene, and quiet, unlike the normal chaotic situation outside. So she asked him, “How do you deal with it, brother?”

Kyle didn’t need to ask what she meant, and she knew he understood. He didn’t answer immediately, and she patiently waited for his answer.

“There are many things in life that you can’t control, like what people say or do. But you can control how you react to it. I can either get irritated and complain about it, or I can simply accept it and go along with it. I choose the latter.

Kyle then turned to look at her, touching her face as he smiled, “And I have you with me, keeping me sane and grounded.”

He looked back at the sky, deep in thought as he continued, “I don’t take it seriously either. It’s a good distraction, I suppose. Harmless. So long as they do not cross the line, I guess I’ll just enjoy the attention and let them worship me for the perfect being as I am.”

Kay smacked him then, then came closer and snuggled up to him. He indulged her and put his hand under her neck, kissing her on the head and pulling her closer to him. Kay loved it when he hugged her like that. She felt so safe and protected. She figured that all those girls were right about one thing though. Kyle IS perfect. She is certainly going to find it hard to find a guy that would be at par with him. He set the bar too high!!

Kay’s thoughts came back to the present, as she looked at Sarah. She wondered if Sarah could actually be the one who would thaw her brother’s heart. He literally spent his whole life just planning and executing the plan to save his two children from his previous life, and never truly formed any relationships. A sister and brothers can never replace a beloved.

Kay decided to observe Sarah closely. This girl could be her future sister-in-law.


Kyle was now at the football booth stand, and Ali looked at him. “You want to sign up for this as well?”

“Why? Scared of the competition?”

“Pfffffft. Hardly,” Ali retorted, putting down his name. Kyle did the same and told the girl that was manning the booth that he could be contacted via Ali. She didn’t protest, simply nodding her head in a daze. She hardly heard what he was saying, as her internal monologue was going, ‘oh dear oh dear oh dear oh my. It’s Kyle. Kyle. oh dear oh dear oh dear oh my. I’m so glad that I’m the manager here. oh dear oh dear oh dear oh my. I get to see him close up twice a week. oh dear oh dear oh dear oh my. I’m gonna diiieeeeeeee’

“What are you signing up for, Xing Han? Debates again?” Kyle asked.

“Nu-uh,” Xing Han retorted. “That’s in the past. I am going to explore my inner sportsman! I am going to show them that I can do physical sports as well! I am strong! I am ..”

“So, what is it already?” Ali asked, cutting in.

“Tennis,” he replied smugly.

Kyle and Ali both turned their heads at the same time to look at Xing Han. “Wh-a-at?” he huffed, puffing his chest out.

Kyle didn’t say a thing but simply looked at Xing Han, from top of his head to the bottom of his feet. Then, he pinched Xing Han’s baby face fat cheeks, squeezed the slight flab under the arm and then messed up the hair as he patted the head.

“There, there,” Kyle said comfortingly, “It’s okay. You don’t have to try so hard.”

Ali nodded in agreement, “Yes, not everyone can have this God-given Body like us.”

And with that, both Kyle and Ali struck a pose.

Kyle flexed his arm muscles as he ran his fingers through his hair while Ali placed an arm on Kyle’s shoulder while putting his chin on the fist of his other hand. Both poses didn’t look too ostentatious, but it was enough to hint of their taut body just from the show of their tight arm muscles.

“Aaargh!!” Xing Han screamed out loud, smacking the both of them squarely in the chest. They both pretended to double over in pain before Kyle hooked Xing Han’s neck with his arm.

“Come on,” he said as he pulled him over, “You’re fine the way you are, Xing Han. Embrace your cuteness. Just choose what you love to do.”

Xing Han grumbled but conceded.

He thought of changing his image a bit in secondary school. From the ‘dependable older brother’ to a ‘hot sportsman’ or something. Deep down, though, he knew that it wasn’t possible. He had that face that just screamed “friend” rather than “hot”, and nothing could change that.

Even with all the dieting and exercise, he couldn’t be as lean as Sam or as muscular as Ali or Kyle. He wasn’t as fit either … he just loved food too much and was just too lazy to exercise everyday.

“Fine, fine,” he said, signing up.

When he got up, he gave a huge smile to Kyle. Only Kyle truly knew him, as was evident from the art booth he had brought him to. He had never truly revealed his passion for drawing, and it was something that his family didn’t quite agree on. It wasn’t even okay as a hobby, as they saw it was a waste of time. If it was up to him, he would venture into the world of an illustrator, creating and designing things.

Xing Han suddenly turned and gave Kyle a tight hug, and Kyle tried unsuccessfully to push him away by the shoulders. Xing Han just squeezed tighter, shaking his head. He was too emotional and touched at that moment, for only Kyle would indulge him and speak right to his heart. Kyle gave up, looked in resignation towards Ali, who pretended not to see anything, whistling away.

The reason why Kyle didn’t have the heart to really push Xing Han away was because he knew that Xing Han needed this sort of release. He bottled up everything so deeply, and only appeared to be bubbly. He came from a family that was very strict and was very sparse with their emotions. Kind of like how his previous life family had been like before, but worse. Xing Han was to be the Heir, and there were expectations. In his entire life, he never lived for himself.

Everything was calculated and designed for him, and he merely needed to follow. Even this action of Xing Han, to come to Sakura Academy, was at a great cost – and with great manipulation. This was the first time Xing Han could do something that he, himself, wanted to do without having to give up something in order to get it. In the end, Kyle just patted him on the head until he calmed down.

Xing Han pulled away, sniffling, and rubbed Kyle’s shirt as it was stained with his tears. Kyle smiled, indicating that it was okay, and Xing Han gave a rather huge grin in return as he looked up.

To the eyes of everyone else, however, it looked completely different. It appeared like Xing Han was caressing Kyle’s chest lovingly, after exchanging a loving hug. All sorts of thoughts flashed through everybody’s mind. Was there something there that they didn’t realise before? Kyle not only allowed the hug, but after that, the both of them were exchanging tender looks of loving smiles?

Some hearts were broken, some were blossoming at this scene. The interactions between the two were undeniably sweet. Even the image of those two fits. One was the ultra cool idol, while the other was the sweet, adorable kid. Suddenly, everything that had happened between the two of them was seen with new eyes, and in a new light.

And so, new rumours began.

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