Chapter 37 - Apathy

Kyle was already waiting outside Principal Dobbins’ office when Janice arrived. She looked awkwardly at him, tears glistening in her eyes as she sat down next to him.

[What a white lotus act] commented Kyle. [Must admit, she’s one of the better ones]

[Behave, Kyle] Kay replied with a giggle [Well, the previous ones were all kids, you know. Janice probably perfected her skills just for you]

Janice began sniffling beside him, ‘trying’ not to make any loud noises but would occasionally look at him sneakily while dabbing her eyes. Finally, unable to stand Kyle ignoring her, she turned to look at him with the most pitiful face she could muster, and ask, “Doesn’t it bother you?”

Kyle leaned back on the wall, placed his right leg’s ankle on his left knee, then replied with a smile, “Why should it? At least being called to the Principal’s office lets me off Doolittle’s class” He leaned over slightly to her, whispering, “Between you and me, I’d rather sit here than there. Her classes are boring to the max and never fails to put me to sleep!”

Janice looked at Kyle with wide eyes. First, it was Kay. Now, it’s Kyle. What was wrong with these twins? Why aren’t they following the script? Why are they completely unbothered by the rumours? Even fueling it? When Kay had declared that Kyle never got with anyone, it made his reputation even worse. Once that got out, the forum will probably explode again. Yet, here he was … completely unaffected by it all.

Worse, even if he was not bothered by it all, what about her? Why isn’t he worried about her, who’s obviously upset by it all? The victim in all of this? Is he truly a jerk then and wouldn’t do anything? No comforting a beautiful lady who is crying by his side?

“You’re not scared of Principal Dobbins?” she asked tentatively. She felt everything Kyle said was so weird.

“That old fart that looks like she ties her hair too tight until her face looks like it’s stretched?” Kyle snorted. “Why should I be scared of her?”

“I wish I could be like you,” she said in a low voice, “I’m scared at what she’ll do, especially after that warning”

Kyle shrugged, saying, “Worrying over something you can’t change does nothing but give you wrinkles and grey hair. That’s probably why Dobbins look like she’s a dried up old prune.”

He looked at his watch and noticed that 10 minutes had already passed. He crossed his arms, leaned his head back and then closed his eyes, promptly falling asleep. It wasn’t a deep sleep, however, as his subconscious was aware of the sounds around him. It was enough to give him some respite from the girl beside him and relax his mind.

Kyle really was exhausted, what with the intense mission last night, and him experimenting entering that weird state this morning. Then, having to maintain vigilance and a chirpy expression in the morning as if nothing was any different really took a toll on him now. Since Principal Dobbins was dragging the situation, Kyle felt that there was no reason for him to fuel her peverse desire to see them squirm.

So the best thing? Is not to react. Apathy. Its effects is priceless. It seriously gets those bullies into a hissy-fit when their jabs or snide remarks has absolutely no effect. Kyle couldn’t help but smile a bit at that thought, as he drifted into dreamland.

“Kyle! What is going on?”

Kyle opened his eyes to see the fuming glare of his mother, her hands on her hips.

Kyle stretched, cricked his neck and shrugged while getting up, “Your guess as good as mine. Must be serious to have called you up.”

Just then, Principal Dobbin’s personal assistant, Mrs Van, walked up to them and said, “The Principal will see you now.”

Janice, Kyle and Delilah walked in. Principal Dobbins was sitting at her desk, a large table that Kyle supposed was meant to be imposing. Principal Dobbins looked up as they walked in, looking up from the laptop that she had been using. She didn’t give a greeting, nor a smile, and while still seated, gestured for them to sit down. There were two chairs right in front of the desk, so Janice and Delilah sat down while Kyle stood behind his mother.

Principal Dobbins pushed her glasses up her nose, and said, “Thank you for coming, Mrs Smith. The matter before us is very serious.”

“And what matter is that?” Delilah asked, crossing her legs. Her opinion of the Principal already lowered when the former did not bother to show basic courtesy by standing up to greet her as she walked in. She was a parent, and not some delinquent child that came to be scolded.

From the principal’s attitude, however, Delialh could tell that the person in front of her did have some attitude problem. Even her ‘thank you for coming’ were perfunctory words said without any sincere feelings behind it. Principal Dobbins didn’t think of the effort it took for Delilah to cancel all her appointments, and rush over upon receiving the call.

“It’s a pity Mr Smith could not be here,” Principal Dobbins said with a frown, “But I guess we’ll just have to make do.”

Delilah and Kyle’s face darkened at that, but Principal Dobbins didn’t notice anything, her focus on the laptop screen in front of her. She had not even bothered to set the laptop aside, and as her eyes were perusing the screen, she said, “This hallowed halls is a sacred place of learning. And your son’s indiscreet and indecent behaviour is not what this school is all about. He has tarnished this school’s reputation!!”

At that, with a huff, she looked up at Delilah. Delilah’s eyes narrowed, and leaning forward, she asked, while enunciating each word clearly as if she was talking to a three year old, “And just what did he do to deserve such scathing comments from such an esteemed person of learning?”

Principal Dobbins missed the sarcastic undertone when Delilah said ‘esteemed’, and she puffed up her chest as she turned the laptop around to show Delilah the forum post.

“So?” Delilah asked, as she read the post and the first few replies to it.

Principal Dobbins sneered, as she said, “Looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I see.”

Turning the laptop back to face her, she gave this rather superior expression and continued. “We focus on studying, and learning. This,” she said as she gestured to the laptop screen, “Is not what we want in a student.”

“I agree,” said Delilah, leaning back, “One should be using the school forum to discuss academic life, or studies and not partake in mindless gossip and rumours. And I repeat. Just what did Kyle do to deserve such scathing comments from such an esteemed person of learning?”

Principal Dobbins looked at her in surprise, “Isn’t it obvious?!”

“If it was, why would I be asking you?” Delilah shot back.

“This! This!!” Principal Dobbins repeated, her hands wildly flaying about at the computer screen.

“Again, so?” Delilah asked calmly, “If all you can do is simply give vague accusations, degrading comments and belittling my son, how on Earth did you get to be a Principal? Is it beyond your capabilities to actually explain and tell me just what. my. son. did?”

Delilah deliberately emphasised the last few words, leaning forward and staring at Principal Dobbins straight in the eye. Kyle cheered at his mum inwardly. She may look like she’s all soft and gooey but she was no pushover. Kyle was already seething inside at the way the old hag was treating his mum, but it looks like his mum had everything under control. He didn’t want to cause more trouble anyway, so he kept quiet, smirking while standing politely behind his mother.

Principal Dobbins did not miss that self-satisfied smirk of Kyle’s, and it got her blood boiling again. This mother-and-son pair really was a piece of work. No wonder Kyle was so spoilt and rotten. His mother let him get away with everything! Even when that forum post was clear about the disgusting behaviour of her son, she saw nothing wrong with it!

“In our school,” began Principal Dobbins, “we emphasize on learning. This school comprises of well educated students and …”

“Yes, yes .. sacred halls of learning. Studious people. yadda-yadda-yadda. Will you get to the point?” Delilah interrupted her. Since Principal Dobbins wasn’t showing her any respect, Delilah saw no need for her to be polite either.

Principal Dobbins bristled, and finally lost it as she said loudly, “We do NOT CONDONE such immoral behaviour as is shown in the pictures!!”

“Well, that’s your perogative since it’s your school’s website,” said Delilah, “And why is that a concern for me? And what has that got to do with Kyle?”

Principal Dobbins couldn’t believe how dense Delilah Smith was and she said scathingly, “It’s YOUR son that is in those pictures! HE is the one doing such immoral acts! Of course it has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOUR SON!! LOOK! He even got this poor innocent child in the mix! Her reputation has been completely and utterly destroyed because of these pictures!!”

Principal Dobbins’ chest heaved up and down after her slight outburst. Delilah, who remained calm throughout, turned to look at the silently crying girl beside her. Then, she looked up at Kyle who shrugged, then back at the Principa.

“So you are telling me,” Delilah began, “That these five blurry pictures of a couple is Kyle and this girl? That somehow, despite the fact that the faces have not been captured, it is undeniably him? On what basis did you come to this conclusion? Even the poster himself did not name Kyle. The replies are all conjecture and speculations, which they are now shouting is the truth.”

Delilah may have just glanced at the forum post, but she was a quick reader and knew what was basically said, “So basically, you’ve concluded that these images are pictures of Kyle based entirely on accusations of the people posting.”

She leaned forward and asked seriously, “Tell me, Principal Dobbins. Are you blind, or just demented?”

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